and so it begins...


anywhere you stand in this city there is an incredible view that requires pinching yourself.
it's unbelievably beautiful, and unbelievably old and preserved. history. tradition.
point your camera almost anywhere and you end up with a moody, yet charming image.
academic pedigree meets the cotswolds.

we've had our first week of introductions and classes.
we know what's expected of us: dive deep into the pages of the bodleian library. ask questions that you never knew could be asked. chase the rabbit down the rabbit hole (we are in alice's wonderland after all).  we've been given permission to explore what we've always wanted to explore--because we're at an institution that is almost 800 years old, and we study at a library that is almost 400 years old and receives a thousand books a day to add to its stacks. pick a book. any book. they've got it.

happily overwhelmed.

{p.s. the last two photos are the view i have out my window. just wait until i show you a picture of that tower lit up at night...hogwarts anyone?}


1. Cassie said...

I'm just curious with such a view, how you get anything done at all. I'm pretty sure I'd just be staring out my window all starry eyed and unable to think straight at all! So dreamy!

2. sweet harvest moon said...

I can't believe how beautiful your (instagram) pictures are!

I will definitely visit Oxford next time I'm in the UK!

Have a great time

Sara x

3. Hannah Joy said...

So happy you are back in Oxford!! Thank you for always sharing your journeys so generously! I love that I can do some armchair traveling!!

Which college are you at? When I was at Oxford, I studied at Keble, but I was always at Christ Church on my days off!!

Thanks again!

4. Rebecca Maureen said...

Achingly beautiful; I can't wait to see more!

5. Angy is my name. said...

It's a truly lovely thing to be shown a place where one wishes one was when one simply cant be in that place. A blessing indeed. ♥♥♥♥♥♥

6. Debie Grace said...

This is really a lovely place to be! You are so lucky to be there. A 400-year old library? YES, PLEASE!! <3